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Pass The Pugs - Winning Moves
Pass The Pugs - Winning Moves
Pass The Pugs - Winning Moves
Pass The Pugs - Winning Moves

Pass The Pugs - Winning Moves

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Description and specs
Pass The Pugs - Winning Moves Product Description: Pass The Pugs is an exciting and engaging game that guarantees a wild ride for players of all ages. Roll the pugs and score points based on how they land. The objective is to be the first player to reach 100 points . The game is designed to be easy to pick up but tricky to master, making it perfect for family gatherings, parties, or casual get-togethers. With its simple rules and unpredictable outcomes, everyone will be eagerly awaiting their turn. Pass The Pugs is a classic twist on the beloved family game, Pass The Pigs. It offers a unique and entertaining experience that will keep players engaged for hours on end. Key Features: Suitable for players 6+, making it a great choice for family game nights. Compact and portable design allows you to take the game anywhere you go. Includes two adorable pug figurines that add a touch of cuteness to the gameplay. Encourages strategic thinking and decision-making skills. Provides an opportunity for friendly competition and bonding with friends and family. Enhances hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Promotes social interaction and communication among players. Offers endless fun and entertainment for both kids and adults alike. Can be played with 2 or more players, making it suitable for small or large groups. High-quality materials ensure durability and long-lasting enjoyment. Summary: In summary, Pass The Pugs is an exceptional toy game that combines fun, strategy, and cuteness in one package. With its easy-to-understand rules, engaging gameplay, and developmental benefits, it is sure to become a favourite among players of all ages. Whether you’re looking for a game to play with your family or a gift for someone special, Pass The Pugs is an excellent choice that guarantees hours of laughter and enjoyment.
Delivery and returns
$12.99 shipping nationwide. Use code SALE05-TTT for an additional 5% off at checkout.

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