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Michael Grant Monster - 3 Copy Shrinkwrap
Michael Grant Monster - 3 Copy Shrinkwrap
Michael Grant Monster - 3 Copy Shrinkwrap
Michael Grant Monster - 3 Copy Shrinkwrap
Michael Grant Monster - 3 Copy Shrinkwrap
Michael Grant Monster - 3 Copy Shrinkwrap

Michael Grant Monster - 3 Copy Shrinkwrap

in Books sold by Daves Deals
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Monster: The GONE series may be over, but it's not the end of the story:

When the dome came down, they thought it was the end of the troubles. Truth is, it was just the beginning. Shade Darby witnessed events that day, with devastating consequences, and vowed never to feel that powerless again. Now, four years later, she gets her hands on a part of the meteor that began it all and that s when she changes. Trouble is, Shade s not the only one mutating, and the authorities cannot allow these superpowers to go unchecked . . .


Dillon Poe wanted to be a comedian once . . . but everyone made fun of him. Dillon is the loser. Dillon the freak. Now he can control anyone with the power of his voice and he's preparing to send thousands to their deaths. Who's laughing now? Dekka, Shade, Cruz, Malik, Armo, and a new mutant with unmatched powers are all that stand in Dillon's way.


Vector may just be the deadliest enemy Dekka and the group will ever face. He is a swarm of disease-bearing insects. His victims are hit with a wide range of supercharged diseases and are then unable to die, but go on and on in a living hell. With Sam, Astrid, and Edilio back to help them, they form a team known as the Rockborn Gang. They also have a new member: Simone. A blue-skinned punk who can fly. But Vector is only just the beginning, and the Rockborn Gang are forced to question if everything they've gone through until now is even real.

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