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Heavy Duty Fox Cage Trap
Heavy Duty Fox Cage Trap
Heavy Duty Fox Cage Trap
Heavy Duty Fox Cage Trap

Heavy Duty Fox Cage Trap

Don't Pay $733.00 
Save $183.25
Description and specs
The Heavy Duty Fox Cage Trap has a distinctive exterior and a lovely inside, and it can lessen the degree of damage when they are captured. It might enable the humane capture of foxes for transportation or compassionate disposal. It includes an extra-large, robust, galvanized steel construction trap with two carrying handles, which can catch foxes, boars, dogs, and dingos in addition to those larger animals. Once the journey is in motion, the animal cannot reverse due to the construction's heavy-duty galvanized steel design. Additionally, the Heavy Duty Fox Cage Trap is appropriate for live fox and dog capturing.
Delivery and returns
FREE SHIPPING Nationwide - Orders placed between Aug 1st-14th will be dispatched on August 15th.

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